Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2020

Dollar Rambat / Climbing Fig

Mulai hari ini, aku akan mengisi blog ini dengan hobiku, sebelumnya aku masih pemula dan masih ditahap belajar tentang tanaman yah. Tanaman Climbing Fig ini atau sering disebut dollar rambat yang memiliki ukuran daun sedang dan mempunyai akar yang kuat. Sifatnya yang merambat di dinding ini menarik aku untuk mencobanya karena melihat dinding putih polos yang belum terisi apapun. 

Akupun langung mengeksekusi tanaman dollar rambat ini. Cara menanamnya hanya memindahkan polybag ke pot dan disi dengan pupuk & tanah.Setelah ditanam, aku tempatkan beberapa minggu dibawah pohon mangga terlebih dahulu agar bisa tumbuh dan baru aku pindahkan ke bagian dinding yang kosong.

Tarrrraaaaaa! tanaman dollarku sudah bisa dipindahkan ke dinding yang polos. 
Semoga berhasil menanam sampai lebatt! Cara aku merawat tanaman dollar ini sederhana, 
disiram yang rajin & jangan lupa untuk berikan pupuk organik. Semangat bertanam!

Minggu, 22 Desember 2019

daily nil

Night Routine, write my activities on blank planner :))))
In the end, I can remember that moment If I read back my planner.
Here! We just need planner book, color pens, washi type & sticker.
 Believe me, it'll make your brain forget a time.

Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2019

Miss My Old Time

When i growing up, i comfort with this situation : 
- SCHOOL, time management really correct & measurable. 
- ADDITIONAL CLASS, miss my english course every saturday & zizi always picked me up. 
- MINDSET, "study hard play hard". 
- TIME, very balance between school & quality time with my first circle. 
- KNOWLEDGE, i accepted it every day without search first. 

i try to be forever young girl. Peace!

Several quotes i get from the good article "7 Powerfull Reminders to Focus on What Matters"
What you focus on grows.
Stop managing your time.
Start managing your focus.
They spent an hour (or four) browsing social media 
or watching TV with zero return on their investment.
We think about the past and future far more than the present
We are physically in one place and mentally in another. 
The quality of your life in the long run directly depends 
upon how you set and respect your priorities today.
At times, you have to say “no” to good things to be able to say 
“yes” to important things. You can’t do it all. Be mindful and choose wisely.
“I don’t have time,” is really just another, perhaps politer, or perhaps naive,
 way of saying, “It is not that important to me.”
Don’t waste your time and energy fighting against where you are.
Invest your time and energy into getting to where you want to go.
 And even if you have a good reason to be upset and resentful, let it go. 
Channel your energy into thoughts and actions that 
actually benefit your life right now. 
You should sit quietly for fifteen minutes today to gather your thoughts 
and review your priorities, unless you’re too busy, in which case 
you should sit for an hour. Remember this. The world is as you are inside.

Selasa, 13 Februari 2018

Scream to My Ice Cream

Assalamualaikum, Happy Tuesday! Taste of milk arrive to be the sweetest ice cream. I love it! we find out various flavors of ice cream in firenza glateria. You can get flavors like oreo, choco, banana, mango, strawberry, matcha, etc. 
Dont' forget to bring your camera guys! because, the color of walls so cute! touch of pink accompanies you. I love pink and ice cream! so, it's to be right for me and you, girls. 
Love, NIL